Thursday, June 13, 2013

30 Day Workout Challenge

A few coworkers of mine started this 30 day squat challenge.  I wanted to take the challenge but was not ready.  Today is my first day of summer break and while in the process of potty training my son on this awful rainy day I opened up Pinterest to check out some new pins.  I saw this 30 day ab work out challenge.  I decided I would start both TODAY and grabbed my workout mat.  I did 50 squats then continued on with the ab workouts for day 1.  I made a calendar, using both challenges, of what I need to do each day for the next 30 days.  The squat challenge gives you a day of rest every third day however the ad challenge does not.  I decided I would rest from both the squats and ab workouts on the rest days.  I am the type of person that gives up very quickly but I am going to try my hardest to stick to this because my goal this summer is o become a healthier person.

Here is my 30 Day Challenge Calendar.

The picture on the June calendar was taken from the 30 day ab challenge calendar.

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