Saturday, June 8, 2013


Where do I being?  The world we live in today has so many choices and options it can be extremely overwhelming.  There are so many diets, lifestyles, weight loss programs, work out routines, eat this, eat that, this is good for you, this isn’t.  I am lost!!

My husband and I have decided it’s time to change our way of eating.  This has been an important topic for a while now.  We have done research on the Internet, watched documentaries and have read books.  What is the right diet for us, meaning what is the best and healthiest way to eat?  Not which diet program can we loose the most weight the quickest on?  It’s not all about the weight loss for us.  Yes we both need to loose weight but our top priority is our health.  We want to prevent certain illnesses or diseases and my husband needs to get his blood pressure under control, hopefully without the medication he is taking today.

So what is the best diet for us?  We have researched and dabbled with vegetarian and vegan eating as well as a plant based diet.  I came to the conclusion that I need some meat and a little dairy in my diet.  My husband is still really willing to try a plant-based diet and I will support his decision.  I read up on the paleo diet…not for us, we do not eat beef or pork and we LOVE beans way to much to not eat them.  I have been following 100 Days of Real Food and Food Babe for quite some time and think I have nailed it.  We for sure, absolutely, positively NEED to give up processed foods!!  That is my final decision and THE most important to me.

My plan is to write down what I am willing to include in my diet and what I will stay away from.  I am planning on having my husband do this too.  There just are some processed foods that I feel I will not or do not have the time to make.  Maybe one day in the future I will be able to cut those things out of our diet or will be able to make them homemade eventually but for now I think cutting out most processed foods is a great start.

A couple other important things to me as well.  Number one cutting out all sugar.  I purchased the I Quit Sugar book by Sarah Wilson…GREAT read!!  I will still eat a few sweeteners like honey and pure maple syrup but other than that, most of it will be cut out of my diet.  And number two getting my son to eat healthy foods.  He just turned 3 and I feel that I have already ruined his eating habits.  He has bad eating habits and it is my fault.  I purchased the book French Kids Eat Everything by Karen Le Billon and am currently reading it.  I have gotten some great ideas and tips from the book.  I highly recommend it!

This blog will be a journey though our eating, the things we will cook, what we will eat, tips, menus, recipes, etc.

I am a huge fan of Pinterest and find many great idea and recipes from others on that networking site!

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